Pr & Media Communications Productivity Hack For 2023

Posted on Jan. 9, 2023
Press Distribution Media Relations List Building Media Events
PR & Media Communications Productivity Hack for 2023

A new year is upon us and as usual, everyone is looking for ways to be more productive at work and life. For us in communications, we are actively in search of tools, tricks and insights to make communicating with the media and managing brand reputation across all channels; seamless, measurable, effective and in tune with modern trends.

Here are some questions to consider as you search for the right tools to enable you deliver on your PR and media relations goals in 2023.

◎ Do you have an updated media database that is dynamic, constantly updated and accessible?

◎ How fast, efficient and reliable is your medium of communication with your media network?

◎ Is your PR/media relations process measurable/collaborative?

◎ Do you have a solid and functional relationship with the media?

◎ Does your process allow you to go back in time to see historical publication trends from Journalists and media houses?

Providing practical answers to these questions and more explains why SquirrelPR has become popular as an indispensable tool among today's communication professionals.

Below is a quick rundown on specific areas SquirrelPR helps you meet your media relations goals in 2023:

Building a Reliable Media List

Do you wish to expand your media database or maintain a clear view of all the journalists that write about your brand? SquirrelPR aggregates thousands of journalists across Africa and allows you to build a media list that is functional and unique to you and excludes no potential valuable media partner. It is time to ditch your media database spreadsheet and embrace a digitized, dynamic media database that meets all your needs and is available to you throughout the year at no additional cost.

Smart Press Distribution

If you live in a cave or if you're from the stone age, you probably rely on mail merge or BCC (blind carbon copy) or even individual emails to send personalized press releases to your media network. But this is 2023 and smart is the new cool.

Sending individually is an arduous task, especially when you are dealing with hundreds of journalists, while BCC smacks of unprofessionalism. with SquirrelPR, you can send a single (personalized) press release to thousands of journalists in just one click

Monitoring Publications

What does your reporting look like?

Do you go from one Search Engine Result Page to another curating your publications after sending press releases? Perhaps you go to, or you send someone to news vendor stand(s) to flip through the pages of national dailies.

Enter SquirrelPR, all you need is a click, and you can generate publication reports showing you the name of the news platform, the headline, the date of publication, and the link to the publication. Export, share or email your report.. Easy!

Instant Messaging

How do you reach the most number of journalists within the shortest possible time for regular communication that bolsters your relationship? Is it through WhatsApp or email BCC? You need not worry about this with SquirrelPR. Send regular personalized messages such as New Month greetings, birthday wishes, Christmas, Sallah or holiday messages to all the journalists on your network.

Instant Messaging comes in handy with rumor management. What would you do if a potentially dangerous rumor begins to circulate about your brand? To shut it down, would you start contacting your media partners one by one through WhatsApp, SMS, and calls or would you rather send a single, personalized message to thousands of them, and give them the opportunity to interact with you on the matter? With SquirrelPR, you can message an individual media partner or send to a network of partners and interact live to address a potential crisis.

Historical Distribution

How do you measure what each media house or journalist in your network has been publishing about your brand over a period? SquirrelPR comes with a historical distribution feature that allows you to go back in time and measure the individual contribution of each media house or journalist to your brand. With this feature, it is easy to gauge the health status of your relationship with a media partner over a period. Some of our users have deployed this feature to build and enhance their reward system.

Media Event Management (Press Conference Manager)

SquirrelPR Event Manager allows you to send media invites to thousands of journalists and monitor responses in real time, making it impossible for an uninvited journalist to gatecrash your event. Through the event platform, you can also send media kits to your media guests, generate reports, and even receive feedback from participants.

Team Collaboration

How do you collaborate with your team during the creative process to generate your content? Do you have to send each update and review via email? There is a better way. With SquirrelPR’s collaborative tool, your entire team can collaborate on a single content during the creative process so that the team is aligned on an approved copy before it is distributed to the media.  

Beginning your year with SquirrelPR keeps you ahead of the pack as it prepares you to deliver on your media relations goals.

To get started on SquirrelPR, sign up here now.

You can also send us an email at today. We are available to discuss your needs and conduct a personal demo with your team at a suitable time.

See how it works by viewing a demo here.

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